Here are the notes from the first Giving Conference, in Chicago.
ConferenceInvitation might also be of interest.
Days One and Two - Working the Issues
Day Three - Moving Into Action
- FacilitatingForCommonGood - RuthannPrange
- Invitation to GivingConferenceII - ChrisCorrigan
- Convening a Giving Conference in London - MichaelHerman and JillPerkins
- New Structures for Active Philanthropy... coops, 509s, etc. MichaelYacavone, JulieEvansCaldwell, PhilCubeta
- Inviting and ConnectingChampions for next steps - JulieEvansCaldwell
- GivingMarket - MichaelHerman, JulieEvansCaldwell, TomMunnecke
- ConnectingYouthPrograms - AshleyCooper
- Tech Soup... sorting out virtual spaces, roofs, tools, blogs, wiki, listserv, chat - GerryGleason
- Blogging101 ... supporting new bloggers - JonHusband
- Bringing Advocates Together - DebbieGleason
- ConferencePhotos - CharlesMaclean, MichaelYacavone, MichaelHerman
- Start list of GivingMindedBlogs - done.
- "Most Caring Community" criteria developed - CharlesMaclean
- Giving Conference Listserve - GerryGleason?
- Joining a juicy team of giving collaborators - CharlesMaclean