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*Engaged with the writings of conference attendees PhilCubeta and LenoreEarly? who have been challenging and inspiring my own work.
*In the work I am doing with a group of Aboriginal youth here in BC, giving has become more and more important. They are developing a philanthropic foundation to support emerging leadership in Aboriginal communities.
*Engaged with the writings of conference attendees PhilCubeta and LenoreEaly who have been challenging and inspiring my own work.
*In the work I am doing with a group of Aboriginal youth here in BC, giving has become more and more important. They are developing a philanthropic foundation to support emerging leadership in Aboriginal communities.

Chris Corrigan

I am a Aboriginal facilitator and consultant in organizational and community development, living on Bowen Island which is just off the coast of south western Canada. Most of my work forcusses on First Nations in Canada, engaging in a set of practices I am increasingly calling "practical decolonization." These include collective and individual strategies for opening space and freeing our cultures, communities, organizations and selves from the legacy of colonization - not just Aboriginal organizations either: all people and groups that have found it hard to breathe in the shadow of scientifc materialism.

I work a great deal with First Nations youth, services organizations in the non-profit sector and First Nations governments.

My interest in the Giving Conference stems from an abiding interest in connecting action to resources, whether those are financial, human, philosophical or cultural...I am interested in the actions that spring from conversations, Open Space and opportunities to connect people in forums based on passion and bounded by responsibility.

I'll be working with MichaelHerman to facilitate this gathering and also to participate and look forward to seeing what kind of results spring out of our deliberately diverse and generous gathering of souls. (website) (blog)

August 1, 2004

There is lots flowing from this conference for me.

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Last edited August 1, 2004 3:12 am by (diff)
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