Perhaps the easiest place to start is at Quick and easy setup. Then also see GivingMindedBlogs for some links to existing blogs that can give you some sense of where these things lead us. Once you get going, you'll likely want to add links and comments. See below...
As a result of the conference I've started my own blog at Because I don't really know what I'm doing I've started by using the default comments feature which doesn't seem so optimal. I've also started wtih for my links. Any suggestions on either front? What else do I need structurally to make this thing work well? --TedErnst
Thanks for the suggestion Michael J. You're right about readability. I've changed it now.
Adding a Blogroll and Reader Comments
you can use comments at also a case of generating the text and pasting it into the code of your template page. the comments code goes WITHIN the bounds of the code for the individual posts. otherwise, it same as what you've already done to add the roll to your sidebar.
once you do that, or alter the template in any customizing way, you'll lose those customizations if you choose another template from the selections offered. i keep a backup copy of my template code on my hard drive locally.